We offer a range of research and consultancy services to support the development, implementation, and assessment of blue carbon and habitat restoration projects for private, public, and government organisations throughout Australia and beyond.

We have the capabilities and expertise to assist across the full lifecycle of projects, from feasibility assessments and planning, to implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and beyond.

Marine Natural Capital Assessment

We identify and value natural capital assets and ecosystem co-benefits, including blue carbon, and marine biodiversity & habitat assessments. We conduct desktop and on-ground works to assess the environmental, economic, and social benefits of projects, and to help organisations meet their objectives and understand future opportunities.

Habitat Restoration

We develop and implement marine and coastal conservation projects, and identify areas of greatest potential for restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services. We provide advice and expertise at all project stages, including site selection and impact assessments, species propagation and cultivation, and project management, implementation, and monitoring.

Species Nursery/Hatchery Development and Sourcing

We provide nursery/hatchery and propagation solutions to support the conservation and management of blue carbon and coastal marine habitats. Using the most up-to-date science and our wide network of service partners, we can facilitate species collection and permitting, propagation and cultivation programs and access to leading research and commercial facilities. By prioritising local provenancing and biosecurity, we maximise the resilience of marine environments and interventions, while optimising project impact and environmentally-sensitive decision-making.

Project Design, Feasibility, Management and Evaluation

We offer comprehensive guidance for the design and evaluation of marine and coastal projects with the goal of natural capital enhancement and positive environmental outcomes. We provide guidance across the full life cycle of projects from design, funding, implementation, and evaluation. We also offer targeted feasibility assessments and technical reporting, often to support project accreditation and verification, and investment opportunities.

Specialist Research Services

We also offer a range of specialist technical expertise and research services including experimental and environmental survey design; data processing, verification and statistical analysis; GIS mapping and spatial modelling; and commercial scientific diving & boating services. We also assist organisations with preparation of funding and grant applications, literature reviews, scientific publishing and reporting, and community engagement and outreach programs.

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